5J1480 Bi Metal Strip Auto - Control Devices Exhaust Thermometers Customized
2017-07-18 18:06:31
Bright Surface Stamping Bimetallic Strip Mn75Ni15Cu10 For Thermostat Elements
2017-06-27 15:15:53
Coffee Heater Switch 0.5mm Bimetallic Strip With -70 ~ 200 ℃ Allowable Temperature
2017-06-27 15:15:53
Soft Condition Bimetal Bimetallic Material 0.1 ~ 5mm Thickness 7.7 g/cm3 Density
2017-06-27 15:15:53
30% Elongation Bimetallic Material 113 ~ 142 E / Gpa Elastic Modulus
2017-06-27 15:15:53
Ribbon 1.2mm Bimetallic Strip 8.1 g/cm3 Density 0.8±5% Ωmm2/m Electrical Resistivity
2017-06-27 15:15:53
Temperature sensing device for automobile clutch with Bimetal Kanthal 155 strip 1.0mm
2017-06-27 15:15:53
Water Heater Elements Bimetallic Material 1.0mm Thickness With Spool / Coil Package
2017-06-27 15:15:53
Thermometer Bimetallic Strip Ni22Cr3 High Expansion Layer 8.2 g / cm3 Density
2017-06-27 15:15:53
Ni22Cr3 / Ni36 Kanthal Bimetallic Material For Thermostat Refrigerator Switch
2017-06-27 15:15:53